Sunday, March 30, 2014

I am named Beloved

I've considered blogging several times over the last few years but have never taken the plung, mostly because I don't feel like I'm much of a writer.  However, I decided tonight there were some things I needed to process through by writing so I got online to find that old blog I almost started two or three times a few years ago and I found, much to my surprise, a partially written blog post from almost 4 years ago.  I'm starting my blogging adventure with that post, slightly edited.  The thoughts I'm processing now will come in a future post, maybe.

From June 5, 2010 "I've been in a bad place emotionally, spiritually, and physically for some time now. I've been struggling with day to day failings, drowning myself in guilt and heavy heartedness for no good reason at all. No big traumas or trials have hit my life recently. I've just been in a rut that has turned into a pit. Those closest to me have seen it and some have even been damaged by it because I haven't been a very pleasant person to be around at times in this pit. I have named myself Depressed. I have named myself a Flunkie. I have named myself a whole heap of things that I don't think my heavenly Father ever intended me to be named.

He has named me Beloved. Right now, in this stupid dark time of my life, that name is hard for me to receive. But the Voice of Truth that's buried sometimes so deeply in the depths of my soul tells me it's true whether I'm ready to receive it or not. As I wade through the junk that has me naming myself Depressed and Flunkie, I hope to find His grace and truth. His grace covering my true failings and sin, and His truth silencing the false guilt that has become so heavy and crippling."

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